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GALAX have just confirmed the dates, prizes and stage of the online worldwide qualification phase of the GOC 2016. The online qualification contest is the prelude to the GALAX GOC 2016 Grand Final which will take place in Wuhan, China in mid-December. The qualification phase is open to all overclockers and spans four stages, which include both 2D and 3D challenges.
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GTX 1080 EXOC got 5/5 Score from Overclocking Made in France
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In short I would highly recommend the KFA2 1080 HOF. It looks amazing, is built to the highest standard with solid PCB design and power delivery. The cooler is quiet and very effective. Finally and most importantly the performance out of the box was the best of any 1080 I have seen and the overclocked performance of a random sample also very good too with zero tweaking needed to ensure no power limiting or clock fluctuations under load.
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Achieved PIfast WR @ 9.03s with Intel 6700k at 7.004g and Galax HOF DDR4 modules. Close to break sub 9s !
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Après avoir testé la GTX 1080 ExOC, le modèle entré de gamme de KFA², nous testerons ici la GTX 1080 HOF, le modèle haut de gamme de la même marque. Le modèle ExOC avait obtenu la note maximale. La HOF réussira-t-elle cet exploit à nouveau ?
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Ein weiteres GeForce GTX 1070 Custom-Modell erreichte unsere Redaktion: die brandneue KFA2 GeForce GTX 1070 Hall Of Fame. Was die werksübertaktete Grafikkarte mit Custom-Kühler im Gaming-Alltag leistet, könnt ihr in unserem ausführlichen Testbericht nachlesen!
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