
XFastest 臺中網聚正妹開箱活動
XFastest 臺中網聚正妹開箱活動 view more»
Hardware Zone scored 9 out of 10 to GALAX GeForce GTX 1070 Ti EX-SNPR White
For readers who are sticklers about noise, the Galax card is eerily quiet even when it is taxed. Performance is also good and its ability to overclock is quite decent. With a few simple tweaks, we were able to get an 8% boost in 3DMark scores, which should translate to real-world performances that are on a par with the GeForce GTX 1080. And finally, to satisfy gamers who love lighting effects, the Galax card also comes with customizable RGB lighting that is well implemented and not too over the top. view more»
GTX 1080Ti HOF Review, when you want the best of the best!
GTX 1080Ti HOF Review, when you want the best of the best! view more»
GameZoom Performance Tip award for GTX 1080 Ti HOF
The well-known test magazine "GameZoom" tested our high-end card KFA² GeForce GTX 1080 Ti HOF and awarded it with the "Performance Tip" award. Chiefeditor Christoph Miklos praised the good performance and good OC characteristics as well as the quiet cooler, the stylish design and the very good cooling performance. view more»
GALAX GOC 2017 十二名決賽選手誕生
12位獲得進軍GOC 2017決賽資格的選手也順利誕生,名單包括希臘選手OGS和Phil、南非選手DrWeez、澳洲選手bob(nz)、日本選手ikki和dogna、羅馬尼亞選手Alex@ro、意大利選手rsannino 、德國選手Bullshooter,印尼選手bboyjezz, 以及兩位中國選手Micka (舒博倫)和 ZeR0_Dan (段魯寧),12位決賽選手將於11月25日雲集泰國曼谷,一同爭奪GOC 2017超頻皇者寶座。 view more»
Rauf (Sweden) Wins GALAX GOC 2017 Worldwide Qualifier
Rauf (Sweden) Wins GALAX GOC 2017 Worldwide Qualifier view more»

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