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GALAX OC Lab has published a photo last night. Picture showing two 1080 HOF running SLI with HOF bridge.
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According to Mad Tse, the 8-pin power connector design on reference design is not really a limitation for overclocking. The reference board is using different components than custom designs. MAD points out that reference cards are most likely using locked BIOS. He also mentions that his card was using increased voltage up to 1.3V, which is not possible on reference cards.
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Taiwan Cosplayer Beryl is playing VR game with us in Taipei Computex 2016
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Many people stay here for watching 蛋捲 to play VR game with our latest graphic cards 1080! Location: Taipei Nangang Exhibition Hall N1207
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Another famous gamer in Taiwan 小希兒Angel in our booth this afternoon!
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Amazing products here! Taiwan famous gamer 薇薇 weiwei is trying our latest 10 series graphics card and VR in Taipei Computex 2016, come to our booth to explore more! Location: N1207 Nangang Exhibition Hall 1 4/F
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